John’s Tool Set

John’s Tool Set

Click on red links for more info and to order

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EagTac D25LC2, for tabletop projects and detail work on larger shoots. John uses this light for virtually every one of his light painting projects. Highly recommended for the workshop, along with the diffusers and adapter below.

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These two items are from Harold Ross, one of John's light painting mentors. The diffusers beautifully soften the light from the EagTac D25LC2 (above). The .9" adapter connects the diffuser to the flashlight. Both are necessary for light painting smaller objects.

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Neewer handheld LED light. Very useful for tabletop projects and lighting in small places inside autos, detail work on motorcycles, etc. This is a must-have light for any light painting project, large or small. Lightweight, inexpensive and small (about 5” x 8”)


Pixel Wireless Remote Control. Because the camera can’t be touched or moved in any way during your light painting, you will need to trip your camera shutter remotely. If your camera has a wi-fi app that allows you to make exposures from your phone, tablet or laptop on the Bulb setting, you’re good to go. If you are not able to trigger the camera on Bulb from the app, you can use this wireless trigger.

NOTE—the above link is for Panasonic cameras only. You can click on the other size buttons on the web page (beginning with RW_ to find the one for your camera. The remotes are all the same, but there are different cables for each camera; make sure you get the one specifically for yours, and that you test it as soon as you get it to make sure it works.

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Godox LC 500 light wand. John uses this on all his larger projects (autos, motorcycles, airplanes, etc.). A recommended tool for all light painters.

PLEASE NOTE: There are several different versions of the LC500, which can be confusing. The model John uses and recommends is the LC500 bi-color (5600ºK and 3200ºK), which is found at the link above.

There is also an LC500R and LC500R Mini, both of which have continuously variable color adjustments, which, if accidentally used during a light painting, can ruin the results and make for some painfully difficult editing. John does not recommend these models for light painting.

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Shur-line 4 to 8-1/2 ft. painters pole. John owns a bunch of painters’s poles but this one is the most versatile. Use with Godox LC500 and adapter below to light paint any large object (even houses). There are smaller models, but this one will allow you to light paint anything.

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Westcott paint pole adapter. The bottom part fastens to the painters pole, and the Photoflex multiclamp attaches to the knurled stud on top.

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Photoflex Multiclamp with stud. Screws onto the painters pole, and the included 1/4” stud attaches to the clamp and screws into the Godox LC500 (lock washer recommended to keep the light from rotating on the stud). You can adjust the angle of the light to meet the needs of your subject.

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Exploded view shows how everything fits. John has tried dozens of light/clamp/adapter/pole combinations over the years, but this setup is the brightest, easiest to use, most flexible and lightest weight lighting system that he has found. He uses it for all his automotive, aircraft and architectural light painting projects.

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