Questions and answers about light painting

  • What subjects can be light painted?

    Any three dimensional object, from the smallest piece of jewelry to the largest building, can be light painted. Popular subjects are shown in this brochure, but can be literally any item of value.

  • What steps are involved?

    You will meet with John initially to discuss your ideas and plan the photo shoot in detail. The location may have to be scouted to find the correct angle and viewpoint for the image. Afterwards, the photo shoot date is scheduled.

  • How long does the photo shoot take?

    The time to create a light painting varies according to the size and complexity of the subject, but usually it takes two to three hours to complete the light painting shoot.

  • How much does it cost to do a light painting?

    The photo shoot fee is $1000, which includes the time necessary for planning, scouting, photographing and digitally assembling the image. (Travel beyond 25 miles is billed accordingly.) The total time John invests on each light painting project is about 8–10 hours. The photo shoot fee does not include printed or electronic images, which start at $150.

  • When will I see the initial image?

    Your finished photograph is ready to view within 2–3 working days of the photo shoot. The printed versions you choose after seeing the finished image will be delivered within three weeks.

  • I know someone who would love one of these. Can I get a gift certificate?

    Personalized gift certificates are available by clicking on the contact form below. Gift certificates can be purchased for the photo shoot alone or for any amount over that, with the balance used towards the purchase of any photographs.

  • How can I find out more?

    John or his staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have—just call the office at 715-341-3527. You can also visit the studio to talk with him personally and see the many full size examples on display. There is no charge for this initial visit. Just call ahead for an appointment. We look forward to working with you to get the photograph of a lifetime!